Friday 4 February 2011

WTF & Fixed

Wow !
So much stuff, so much emotion !
There's been quite a bit happening during this week :

-my PC crashed and is damaged, will have 2 get repaired by the Dell pple.
(it started acging weird on tuesday last week) It mostly slows me down for my other module. It's OK now 'cause I got the files but it's worrying me 'cause I mean, poor Neo :-( & I can't really work from home anymore 4 now AUUUUUUUGH !

-my USB got wiped and I almost lost all of this week's worth of data !
That was right today (on Thursday). Luckily somehow as it turns out I had backed up everything for this module on the Macs yesterday ... that was damn lucky ! So I only lost stuff that's irrelevant 2 this module ... phew !

-I found out that I'll only be able to have one webpage with FastHost (I bought my domain from them) until I decide to buy their webspace and pay monthly (as I'm using the Uni server 2 host stuff 4 now). FUCK THAT (for now anyways) ! So up until finances get sorted out a bit (like that's gonna happen lulz) I'll just work within the same Flash App insteadda redirecting to separate webpages, which is what I was planning on doing on the 1st place 4 the 1st draft anyways but then I'm not 2 sure if I still wanna use different webpages 4 the final ... I'll see.

-I finished stuff !
Old Placeholder page v.2 <<<permalink>>> (a bit bugged)
New Placeholder page <<permalink>>>
New Loading page mockup ! <<permalink>>>

So the current website that's online is the New Placeholder page ("Menu3"/"1stMockup_49"), next : the Homepage :-D

Also I been helping Sir Angrew with his pixel idea thingy (it's fair in a way 'cause his stuff insired me 2 use glow on the new Placeholder, & 4 what follows) and I stumbled upon that old friend :

Paul Robertson !

Genuis dude, working with pixels mainly, it's good inspiration for both my modules.
He's got a very very special style thou, so I warn U if U're gonna click the link, but real cool still in my opinion.
He works with a couple of friends and they have a couple of websites and things all over the place (it's a bit confusing to find what you're after, actually ... ), so there's a couple of inspiring thingies related to Paul Robertson I'm a link 2 now 'cause it might just inspire me in the future :

Interactive Flash App by Paul, pretty interesting codewise
Animation by Paul, involves murder

Animation by Paul, involves ... well you'll see !

MechaFetus homepage, nice simple design

MechaFetus blog, lots of ideas in there

Persona's blog, nice simple layout (buttons on left side)

PantsOnPete blog, nice title image

Except for PantsOnPete (he's a friend of the GreasyMoose) they're all Paul Robertson-related people.

Also last link, totally unrelated to all the above but Elena shared that awesome link earlier on ...
It's very awesome !
I just like how it's animated together, very simple yet super effective !
So ye ... enough links 4 2day !

I guess you could say that Paul Robertson & co's stuff is a bit disturbing, but I like it :-)
Because there's a lot of stuff on there and that it's not all relevant to this module I added the other links I had to a post on my other blog, check it out for more stuff on Paul Robertson.

Well bye for not and be back soon with more stuff, YAYZIES, ciao !

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