Tuesday 1 February 2011

My baby's beautiful :-D !

Hello !
And zOMG !
My website's online :-D !

Well not like it's finished obviously but I've got a neat little placeholder page that says "Coming soon" :-D
Go check it out !!! --- (Flash app permalink)

OK so I have 2 give credits 2 pplez on this 1 :

-1st of all the dear Sir Angrew who gave me the idea to put a placeholder page on the 1st place, check his out. Cheers pal !
-And then I stole some URL request code from here as well as some HTML alignment code from there, it was very useful ! That alignment was more of a challenge than I expected but I made it in the end :-D

Very good news, very good news indeed !
We skipped a step or 2 thou, also I said last time that I'd get onto the actual pages mockups next, but the design of the buttons took me a long time ! The ones presented on the website are the very finals with a little label ("HOME", "DESIGN", "ART", etc.) appearing under each icon when U mouse over it, there's a file with the very same icons w/o the labels, it lets U switch between a white & black background too.
I came up with everything myself, including the colours which were a big part of it, I chose each hue so each icon is clearly visible on both a white and a black background, I like the result.

Now if you can't get enough of that sweet icon creating process click the image below for the entire icon development process ...

That is all for today !

More exciting updates soon !

Ciao !

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